Thursday, October 12, 2006

Well this is it my 1st post! Lets see if I keep it up!

Well here it is, my 1st blog. Something I should have done a long time ago. This will be my chopping block. You'll get to hear about all my crazy ideas, and if you like them, you can use them, I don't care, go for it, free of charge! Why? Cause my ideas will hopefully make the world a better place. All I ask is if you do use them, tell people where you got the idea from. I'll include rudimentary design sketches and models to express some of my more mechanical theories. For just general ideas I'll include some references and links to support my findings. Hopefully we can have some discussions on as to why you think my craziness will or won't work.

Anyway, Enjoy!

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Boomers, your time is now!

Dear Boomers, your time is now.  That’s right, your parents dealt with the Great Depression, then World War 2, and then they rebuilt the wor...